By Dave Gecic
Not much going on in Chicago poetry now-a-days, but I’m looking at this post as a kind of often edited running blog-thingie that I can talk about what is going on.
It has been a little busy at Puddin’head Manor. Used books sales have increased a little so they may be up to $10 per week or so. I usually post what sells on Amazon on the Puddin’head Books – Used Books page on Facebook.
Sales of Chicago poets books are flat but that is my fault but since things in my life have settled down and I feel a little stability in this new world, I will try to work on that. I’ll have more books on the website soon. Priority is given to the books I am way overdue on rather than new books I work with except “Happy Tapir” from Johnny Masiulewicz that will be available soon. Lots of overdue work to do. AND lots of overdue inventory to count.
I am trying to put a book everyday on Chicago Poetry Book Review on Facebook. And will catch up soon on History of Chicago Poetry.
Today’s temperature (April 11, 2020) is 97.9.
The Poetry Bomb is back! The Poerty Bomb is back! Since 2007 the Poetry Bomb has been terrorizing the streets of Chicago. The brainchild of two weirdos, David Buddha-Hartgarten and Esteban Colon, this event takes place on Sunday, April 26th at 3:30 PM. The concept of the bomb is to show people that poetry and poets are all around them. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing stop at 3:30 and read a poem – out loud. If you can do it from your porch or somewhere where someone could hear it even better. This is the perfect event for a solo performance and for social distancing. Show people that you are a poet or poetry fan and raise you voice at 3:30 on the last day of poetry month.
We are planning on doing something for our annual “Bloomsday in Chicago” and have started to work on a virtual version. Don’t have everything worked out but Jeff Helgeson is busy working on it. We are probably going to weave some old footage into some new footage in a video presentation. I just got some footage from the 2016 Bloomsday and am trying to pull some footage form there. I am not the world expert at this type of thing but we have someone who knows more than me working on it mostly.
Some people have been doing Facebook live events including some great stuff from Rich Xperience. Check it out it is cool.
I missed Wednesday, April 8th, with Eric Allen Yankee’s Facebook live at 7 PM. You can find him on Facebook. I missed Eric’s reading can anyone tell me how it went? I was delivering a birthday present to a 12-year old. that sat in a virus free zone for a week.
Wish List
Stay healthy. Help other Chicago poets if you can, either by supplies, by mail or any other way you can help.
I wish some one would write a review of Rich Xperience’s Facebook shows and send it to me at I may want to lightly edit it.
I wish more people would have Facebook live events BUT not bunch them up. Somehow I wish people would take turns.
The Future
I am trying to put together a listing of venues that plan on returning in the future.
Poetry at The Gallery Cabaret – Currently plans on returning.
Caroline Johnson informs me that the open mic at Barbaras in Burr Ridge will return when it can.
I’ll see what happens with this blog. It’s something I don’t do much for poetry
Dave Gecic- The Puddin’head Press
PS: Until I figure out how to work this thing you have to click on the title to be able to post a comment. (And then it goes through a bunch of stuff before the comment comes up.)
Just have to figure out how this works. I will send the files out soon by dropbox. They are off my phone. I don’t like sound quality though.
You are tireless, Dave. Stay safe, remain healthy and Happy Easter, Ned