Published by MARCH/Abrazo Press
Perfect Bound, 79 pages
5½ by 8½ inches 2000
ISBN# 1-877636-17-7
Cynthia Gallaher’s third poetry collection, Earth Elegance, departs from her urban focus in Swimmer’s Prayer, to a panoramic view of animals and international environmental issues. The poems are accompanied by scratchboard drawings by artist Lonnie Poco.
Praise for Earth Elegance
The Ojibwa people have a word for a messenger for those with no voice – “Ozhkabewisug” – one of the highest honors a warrior can aspire to. Gallaher scores big with this collection of moving poems that pays homage to humanity’s spiritual ties to those other relatives of ours. You’ll be amazed at her words that flip like coins to skillfully paint images in our minds. She is indeed an “Ozhkabewisug” and a warrior. This is one book everyone should read to reaffirm those special relationships that we humans tend to forget in our rush to control everything around us.
E. Donald Two-Rivers – Recipient of the American Book Award and author of Pow Wows, Fat Cats, and Other Indian Tales
About Cynthia Gallaher
Cynthia Gallaher has worked as an environmental activist with Illinois Consumers for Safe Food, Lake Michigan Federation and the Chicago Park District’s “Green Team”. Her other books of poetry are Swimmer’s Prayer (Missing Spoke Press, Seattle, 1999) and Night Ribbons (Polar Bear Press, Chicago, 1990).
Tremors Unearthed
White on White: Polar Bear
Japanese Firefly Lanterns
Whale Song
Gulf Sheep
Black & White: A Zebra’s View
Monarch Camp Out
Chicken Machines
Central American Flyway
Dolphins Among Tuna
House Mouse
More Mice
Junk Yard Dog
Killer Cats
Colorful Colorado
Cold Little Creatures
Jaguar/El Tigre
Ant Talk
Northern Spotted Owl
Ratty Work
Looking at a Hummingbird
Sample Poems
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