Published by The Puddin’head Press
Perfect Bound, 98 pages
8.5 x 5.5 inches, 2017
ISBN# 978-0-9819756-3-4
$2.00 added to cart for shipping.
Praise for Wild Fruition
Swanberg’s poetry shows the wisdom of age in her philosophy, emotion of the poet and craftsmanship of many years of experience. Sparkling as fresh dew, harsh as a winter storm, or growing old and laced with words that make up an English professor’s soul tingle. She is a lover of nature whop soars the universe and mysteries of life within her own backyard.
J. Glenn Evans, Poet, Novelist, Founder of Poets West.
An unforgettable dive into the familiar made new – the first lines announce a ride of a lifetime, clearly the craftsmanship of an accomplished poet. From the Great River Road in Iowa, the High Road to Taos, to the Yorkshire Moors, the collection takes the reader to places “you need to go”: an adventure that will linger. Orca whales, Oreo Cows, to Van Halen accompany a poet’s odyssey of penetrating vision. Her insight is rare, her talent for revealing the commonplace is anything but common; Swanberg’s affinity for nature is especially satisfying.
Carol Smallwood, Poet, Author of Library Outreach to Writers and Poets
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