Puddin’head Poetry Newsletter
We publish a newsletter once or twice a month that has news of what Puddin’head and Puddin’head authors are doing plus other related news from the Chicago area. Sign up for our poetry newsletter.
Puddin’head Press on Facebook
Our Facebook page lists upcoming events, more poetry news and other Chicago information. Visit The Puddin’head Press on Facebook.
Chicago Poetry Book Review
We have a Facebook page dedicated to books by Chicago poets. We list books and information about them and invite readers to add their comments and impressions of the books. Therefore it is a review page that contains independent reviews by the public. We list the books, you write the review. Plus it has interesting information about the authors. Visit Chicago Poetry Book Review
History of Chicago Poetry
We post fliers and articles about events mostly from the last century from our archives about past events, poets, and venues that were and are part of the vibrant Chicago poetry scene. Visit History of Chicago Poetry on Facebook.
Used Books
We also sell used books, mostly on Amazon but also special order by mail order. We have a Facebook page to highlight some of our books and to “show off” special books from personal collections. Visit Puddin’head Books – Used Books on Facebook.
Puddin’head on Twitter
We post events that we attend or that are upcoming or just short news about literature and the literary world of Chicago. Come follow our adventures. Follow us on Twitter
YouTube Channel
We consider poetry an art form for the stage as much as for the page. Our YouTube channel contains videos and links to videos of performances by our poets and other poets from the Chicago area. We try to arrange it by author and type of reading. Make sure to take a look at our playlists to see what we have. We also are putting together videos of poets reading other poets. I’m sure you will find hours of entertainment here. Here is our YouTube Channel be sure to check our playlists.
There is a partial list of events that you can access by clicking on the Events tab at the top of this page.
Chicago Poetry Bibliography
A list of published Chicago poetry books. Take a look here.